I used the .NET SDK to run the wsdl.exe tool and create the cs file for my client project. I am able to use this client project to communicate with the rapaport web service. The problem that I'm facing is that I'm not receiving any data back. The dataset that is returned when calling the
GetDiamonds function on the RapNetInventoryLink object contains a table with no rows.
The following is the C# code that I'm running. The value of the rowCount that I obtain at the end of the code is 0.
I wanted to get some help on what I'm doing wrong. Are there any parameters which I have to set? Do I have to make configuration changes to my RapNet account? The reason that I'm using the web service as apposed to POST command is that I feel that I have more control this way.
string username = "UUUU";
string password = "PPPP";
RapNetInventoryLink rapNetInvLink = new RapNetInventoryLink();
rapNetInvLink.Url = "https://technet.rapaport.com/webservices/feeds/RapNetInventoryLink.asmx";
rapNetInvLink.Login(username, password);
RapNetInventoryLinkParameters linkParams = new RapNetInventoryLinkParameters();
linkParams.Markup = 120;
System.Data.DataSet ds = rapNetInvLink.GetDiamonds(linkParams);
int rowCount = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;